
One of the best ways to support our work, and the work of other effective charities is to donate. There are one-off giving opportunities as well as regular monthly giving available to choose from to suit all budgets.

Speak with one of the team

EA UK’s organisers are available to support anyone that would benefit from some friendly guidance. We would be happy to discuss career choices, earning to give, volunteering opportunities or give direction to someone wanting to get involved but unsure where to begin.

Sign up to our mailing list

Monthly update with events, job openings and community news

Other ways to get involved

  • Volunteer your skills with EA UK or another project that is looking for help.

    Find in-person and remote volunteering opportunities with EA UK here. We welcome volunteers from diverse backgrounds and with a range of skill sets and experiences. Volunteers have the option to take the lead on a project or receive support/guidance from us should they want to. We are open to and welcome specific ideas or input from volunteers on projects that may not be included in our current list. If you are interested in helping out, let us know.

    For external opportunities, see the EA Opportunities Board.

  • There are a range of groups that you could join;

    Find out more about EA London if you are based in London.

    One of the easiest ways to connect with others in the UK, join in discussions and find suitable subgroups is to join the Effective Altruism UK Slack group.

    You can also connect with us and others on Facebook or LinkedIn.

    Or see the full list of virtual, UK-wide or international groups here.

  • There are a wide range of in-person and virtual events for all levels of EA engagement, from earning to give meet ups to volunteer and careers events.

    Find an event that suits your interests. Attend or volunteer at an EA Global or EAGx conference.